Peace Officer Standards and Training Menu

Utah POST Basic Training Cadet Portal Links

Basic Training Utah State Code Link

Utah State Code

ACADIS Training Assessment System Link

ACADIS Online Training

ACADIS Online Portal Link

ACADIS Online Portal

INV.2050 Traffic Accident Investigations Formulas

Formula Sheet #1

Formula Sheet #2

ETH.1070 Bias-Free Policing

Implicit Association Test (IAT)

Online Courses

Law Enforcement Interaction with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Training

Click here to be taken to a training video that shows best practices on how law enforcement can interact with the deaf and hard of hearing. Actress Marlee Matlin, who is deaf and the wife of a police officer, teamed up with ACLU and advocacy group HEARD, on an American Sign Language video to ensure deaf people know their rights when interacting with law enforcement.

IS-0700.b: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

Click here to be taken to the FEMA website. On the right column are self-study materials.
When ready click the “Take the Exam” link at the end of the course.

IS-0100.c: An Introduction to the Incident Command System

Click here to be taken to the FEMA website. On the right column are self-study materials. 
When ready click the “Take the Exam” link at the end of the course.

IS-0200.c: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response

Click here to be taken to the FEMA website. On the right column are the course materials. 
When ready click the “Take the Exam” link at the end of the course.


Cheating, plagiarism and/or conspiring with others to cheat or falsely report academic grades or proficiency skill levels, shall constitute a major infraction of Rules and Regulations and may result in immediate dismissal from the Academy. This shall include violations of POST policy 2090 regulating assessments and POST policy 2095 regulating study guides, review sheets and notes.